Importing Your Data to TMetric

Our users, who run an active paid Professional or Business plan subscription, can take advantage of our special service - import of data.
You need to contact our tech support with the corresponding request, and we'll take care of it for free.

What data can be imported

  • A list of your clients who you work with
  • Projects (active or done)
  • Teams (that can be added to projects)
  • Time records

Per your request, we may consider importing other data (e.g. time off data or tasks) to your workspace. Our decision whether to import or not will depend on how complex the scope is as well as on the compatibility of data.

How to import data to TMetric

Please check below how we implement import of users' data to their TMetric workspace.


You have to take the following steps prior to importing:

  1. Create files containing the data in accordance with the below requirements.
  2. Add to your workspace all employees whose time records you'd like us to import. Employees may be unregistered, but their status in the workspace has to be Active (neither Locked nor Locked by Subscription).
  3. Generate API token under the user who you'd like to add data on behalf of. This user may be either Owner or Admin in your workspace. Save the token, you will need to send it our way along with your data.
  4. Then, e-mail our tech support. The letter should be with a 'Data import request' subject and be sent using your billing email address - the one you specified while paying for the software (this will help us identify you as our customer). The body of the letter should include:
    - Attached file(s) with data to import. If the size exceeds 1 MB, please upload it to any cloud storage and provide us with the link.
    - API token (See Step 3).
    - ID of your workspace. Please navigate to your Time page and copy the digits from the URL address bar. (ID is a number, please see the screenshot below).


After we receive your request, we have to:

  1. Confirm that your data is received and we start importing it.
  2. Import data. Notify you, in case any errors arise during the process of import.
  3. Let you know by email that we've finished import successfully.

As soon as you receive our confirmation about successful import, please generate a new API token (the same way as you did at the preparation stage) to annul the old one and to avoid any unauthorized access to your data in the future.

Note: While we are importing data for you, it's possible to continue working in TMetric. There's no need for you to wait until the import is finished.

General Data Import Requirements

No matter what data you wish to have imported, please check the following requirements:

  • All data should be added to tables in CSV format.
  • Only a comma can be used to separate the values in CSV files (semicolons or other symbols are not allowed).
  • Each table for import should include all the required columns.
  • You can either not add optional columns to your table, or just leave them blank.
  • The order the columns are added in is not important.

Import of Clients

Please create a file with the Clients table following the below template: your_company_name_clients.csv


  • ClientName - a required field. Name of your client. This column is enough if you are looking for a simple import.
  • BillingCurrency - ISO currency code, that you are planning on billing your client with. Please fill in this field only if the currency for a client differs from the one you have set in your workspace initially. When you create a new project for the client, this currency will be automatically assigned to the project.
  • DefaultHourlyRate - the default billable rate for new projects. When you create a new project for the client, this rate will automatically be assigned as a project billable rate.
  • EmailClientRepresentative - email address of a client representative. This column is available if you run TMetric Business plan subscription, and during import, it's possible to add only one client representative per each client. By the time of import, please make sure you've added a client representative(s) to your workspace (Locked or Locked by Subscription statuses are allowed).
  • Address - billing address of your client. It will automatically appear on invoices created by you for this client.

Below is an example of a table with Clients Data for importing.

Import of Teams

Please create a file with the Teams table following the below template: your_company_name_teams.csv


  • TeamName - a required field. Name of your team.
  • EmailTeamMember - a required field. An email address of a team member. By the time of import, a user has to be a member of your workspace.
  • IsTeamLead (Yes|1) - a value meaning that a user is a team lead.

Below is an example of a table with Teams Data for importing.

Import of Projects

Please create a file with the Projects table following the below template: your_company_name_projects.csv


  • ProjectName - a required field. Name of a project.
  • Client - the name of a client whom a project belongs to. If you fill in this field, please don't forget to create a table with Clients data for importing (see above) or to add clients to your workspace on your own.
  • Team - the name of a team, that is working on a project. If you fill in this field, please don't forget to create a table with Teams data for importing (see above) or to add teams in your workspace on your own.

The import of other project settings is not supported as of yet.

Below is an example of a table with Projects Data for importing.

Import of Time Records

Please create a file with the Time Records following the below template: your_company_name_time_entries.csv


  • Email - a required field. The email address of a user whom this time entry belongs to. By the time of import, this user has to be a member of your workspace. They may be unregistered, but their status in your workspace has to be Active (neither Locked nor Locked by Subscription).
  • Description - a short description of a task a user was working at.
  • Project - a name of a project this time entry should be assigned to. If a client is set for this project, then you have to specify them in a Client field, because projects with the same titles are allowed in TMetric only if they belong to different clients. If you fill in this field, please don't forget to create a table with Projects data for importing (see above) or to add all needed projects in your workspace on your own.
  • Client - a client whom a project in a Project field belongs to.
  • StartDate - a required field. A start date of a time entry.
  • StartTime - a required field. Start time of a time entry.
  • EndDate - a required field. An end date of a time entry.
  • EndTime - a required field. End time of a time entry. The duration of each record should not exceed 24 hours.

The StartDate and EndDate fields may be filled in in one of the following formats:

  • M/D/YYYY
  • D.M.YYYY

The StartTime and EndTime fields may show time only in 24h format (seconds will be dropped):

  • HH:mm:ss
  • HH:mm

Below is an example of a table with Time Records Data for importing.


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