Billable hours calculator

Get a single-step calculation on how much you should charge your clients

Calculate Billable Hours
Billable hours calculator

Don’t know the proper billing rates?

Just enter the data and see the hourly rate in a click

Billable hours calculator

Per annum
Per annum
On direct salary costs
On direct salary costs
Billable hour rate: USD per hour

Ensure all billable hours are tracked and calculated

TMetric is an advanced time tracking solution to automatically calculate every billable hour you’ve worked and generate invoices in an instant.

Try for Free
Ensure all billable hours are tracked and calculated

More Billable Hours Tracking TMetric Features

  • Automatic Time Capture

    Track tasks and projects, log billable hours and create accurate time reports with a fully automatic time tracking app

  • Billable vs. non-billable hours

    You can easily separate your billable time from unpaid work or assign custom hourly rates for different projects

  • Different billable rate setting

    Assign billable rates to a workspace, a specific project, client, and workspace members. These are the external rates to invoice your clients

  • Transform billable hours into invoices

    With two available options, you can either create an invoice and send it to your client, or export the report and mark the time as invoiced after sending

  • Time rounding feature

    TMetric provides time rounding in billing to make it convenient and perfect

  • Categorizing time

    Mark the work you perform for clients by type and see the attached billable rate at once

Used and trusted by 3000+ businesses in the world

  • Endygo
  • ITsyndicate
  • Pulso
  • 050media
  • JOT Digital
  • Freshlab
  • Mvad
  • Swaven

Why choose TMetric?

The most straightforward time tracking app

The most straightforward time tracking app

Available on all platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android

Available on all platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android

Free plan with basic time tracking for a team up to 2

Free plan with basic time tracking for a team up to 2

Reasonable price makes it affordable for anyone

Reasonable price makes it affordable for anyone

Multilanguage solution

Multilanguage solution

Make time work for you!

Powered by A software vendor with 25 years of experience.