Time tracking for software developers

TMetric is built to help developers and software companies simplify workflow and collaborate with clients effectively. All-in-one solution to measure project progress, set billable rates, send detailed reports, and invoice clients. Seamless integration with 50+ services and development tools.

Best TMetric Features and Solutions for Software Developers

Time tracking and reporting

Time tracking and reporting

This feature helps in understanding where time is being allocated and can be crucial for project management and billing purposes.

Client and project billing

Client and project billing

Developers and teams can associate time entries with specific clients or projects which is required to bill clients based on the time spent on different tasks.

Productivity analytics

Productivity analytics

It helps developers and teams identify patterns in their work habits, track progress over time, and make informed decisions on improving efficiency and time management.

Integration with development tools

Integration with development tools

This streamlines the time tracking process, making it more convenient for developers who often work within Redmine, GitHub, GitLab, and Jira.

Track time and estimate tasks

By using TMetric, you can gain insights into your time management, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about task prioritization and project timelines.

Tasks overview
Track time and estimate tasks

Identify productivity peaks and log activity

Software developers and teams gain an understanding of their work habits, identifying the most productive periods to enhance overall efficiency and time management.

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Identify productivity peaks and log activity

Plan projects and budgets

TMetric helps plan projects more effectively, allocate resources efficiently, and stay within budget constraints. It provides the necessary tools to streamline project workflows and optimize time management.

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Plan projects and budgets

Track progress and share reports data with clients for billing

Software developers can effectively communicate project progress to clients, share detailed reports, and streamline the invoicing process. This contributes to better transparency, client satisfaction, and accurate billing based on the actual work performed.

See the guide
Track progress and share reports data with clients for billing

Integration with tools for developers

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Used and trusted by 3000+ businesses in the world

  • Endygo
  • ITsyndicate
  • Pulso
  • 050media
  • JOT Digital
  • Freshlab
  • Mvad
  • Swaven

Teams love TMetric

Free plan with basic time tracking for a team up to 2
Available on all platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android
Multilanguage solution
Dedicated support team at your service 24/7

Make time work for you!

Powered by A software vendor with 25 years of experience.