How to Enable Activity Tracking

Here you will learn how to enable user activity tracking for a particular user or for all of them at once. When activity tracking is enabled in the workspace settings, it will become disabled in the desktop client.

When activity tracking isn't enabled in the workspace settings, each individual user can configure it in the desktop client.

Only the workspace owner and admin can configure different options for monitoring user activity remotely in the workspace settings.

Note: Only in the Business plan, these options can be configured centrally. In the Professional and Free plans, each individual user manages them themselves in the desktop client.

Activity tracking can be enabled by the admin in the workspace settings.

To enable user activity tracking in the workspace settings

  1. Navigate to Workspace and click Settings. 
  2. Select Activity and Screenshots on the left side menu. 
  3. Choose the information to capture: activity levels, apps and sites, details, screenshots either individually or by default. 
  4. Check Blur screenshots to protect sensitive data if you want screenshots to be blurred when captured. 

You can also enable the Idle Time Detection option to control inactivity time of your workspace members. In this case, regular users will have this option disabled in their desktop client. 

Activity Tracking Settings 

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