TMetric Admin Guide

Instructions and information on how to configure, maintain, and optimize the software

Chapter 5


What to do if the TMetric extension icon is gray?

Click the browser extension icon and then Connect.

What to do if the TMetric Start timer button is absent in the external system I use?

Turn off and on the extension.

Check whether the integration is enabled in the extension settings:

  • In the right top corner of your browser, click on the TMetric icon (using right click), open the menu.
  • Click Options.
  • In the search bar, type the name of the integration and enable it.

Or, check the integration URL by clicking the Edit button of the integration you need.

If the button absence is due to the UI change of the external system, let us know.

What to do if there is some alert in TMetric Desktop?

First, check whether the web app works.

Close the desktop client, reopen it and click Refresh (e.g., server connection error).

What to do if activity tracking doesn’t work on macOS?

  1. First, check the Activity and Screenshots settings in the web app.
  2. Also, on macOS, you should grant the following permissions:
  • Open the Security & Privacy settings.
  • Click Accessibility and tick TMetric (if it’s not).
  • In the Screen Recording tab, make sure that TMetric is ticked.
  • In the Automation tab, the names of the browsers and the System Events should be selected for TMetric.

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