Workspace Settings
Here you will learn how to customize workspace settings for your needs. Only a workspace owner and admin can configure the required settings for each particular workspace.
Table of Contents
- General Settings
- Activity and Screenshots
- Manual Time Editing
- Mobile Time Tracking
- Required Fields
- Work Schedule
- Data Import
- Timesheets
To configure settings for a workspace, just do the following:
- Navigate to Workspace, then click Settings.
- On the right-side menu, select the settings you need.
General Settings
The General Settings let you configure your workspace view, set project billing, specify the time format, and assign permissions. Below is the list of them with description:
Company name - allows specifying a name for a company being created. When creating an individual workspace (a user does not specify a company's name), My Company is used by default.
Address - allows specifying a company's address that will be automatically included in an invoice along with your company's name.
First day of week – allows selecting the first day of the week that will determine the appearance of the calendar and reports.
Company logo – used for selecting an image for your company’s logo.
Currency – allows setting a default currency, which will be used for all new projects you create.
Default billable rate – allows setting a default hourly billable rate, which will be used for all new projects created in a specific workspace.
Time format in reports – sets the time format displayed in timesheets and reports.
- Store data in minutes – allows you to choose how to store time data: in minutes or decimal hours.
Show start and stop time in detailed report – allows displaying the start and end time of any time entry in the detailed report.
Round time in reports – enables rounding time in reports using three different methods.
Allows all members to create and edit public projects – permits regular users to create a public project and configure its basic settings.
Allow creating tags on the fly – enables pulling tags from external tasks and creating them in TMetric.
Lock timesheets - disallows users to make any changes to timesheets and sets the number of days when they are allowed to edit this data.
Activity and Screenshots
Idle time detection - controls inactivity time for workspace members.
Activity and Screenshots Capture - allows choosing what information to capture, persons whose activity you want to monitor and whether to blur screenshots or not:
- Activity Levels - allows measuring user activity level and online time at his workplace.
- Apps and Sites - allows tracking apps and websites that employees mostly use and visit at work.
- Screenshots - enables taking screenshots of each monitor when the timer is running.
Blur screenshots to protect sensitive data - allows you to blur out personal information on the screenshots.
Manual Time Editing
Here you can allow the users to manually edit their time, as well as apply these settings for specific members.
Allow editing time manually - controls whether the workspace members are allowed to add and delete time entries manually.
Mobile Time Tracking
Here you can allow the users to track time with mobile devices, as well as apply these settings for specific members.
Allow tracking time with a mobile device - enables tracking time with a mobile device on Android and iOS platforms.
Required Fields
This option allows you to set the mandatory fields for your workspace members to be filled when creating time entries:
- Description - until he specifies a brief description of a task.
- Project - until he specifies the name of the project the time entry belongs to.
- Tags - until he specifies the tags used to categorize working time and filter tasks.
- Task Link - until he starts a task created within TMetric or a time entry in an external task management system by clicking the Start Timer extension button in it.
Work Schedule
This option allows you to configure your company's work schedule, which will influence the reports and your monthly time balance.
- In the Workweek section, you can choose the days of the week that will be the working days in your company. You can also set the Workday length value (duration) for each of them. If you don't need your monthly time balance, just uncheck the Workday length checkbox. Note that if you want to use the Time Off module, the Day of week option should be enabled. Besides, there is a possibility to set working hours for employees. Once you've made all the changes, specify an effective date for them.
- To set a workweek for a particular member, click the workspace member link in the note under the Workweek section. You will be redirected to the Members page, where you can select the member you need. On the Edit Member page, you can select the days the member should work and specify the duration for each of them. You can copy the general workweek settings by using the Copy Workspace Settings option, which appears when you change the default settings. Once you've finished, select an effective date for the changes you've made.
- By clicking the Add Date button in Holidays, you can add dates of national or other holidays in your country.
- The Additional Workdays option allows you to specify the dates of extra workdays.
- The Allow working on weekends and holidays option controls whether workspace members are allowed to work on weekends and holidays or not.
Data Import
This option enables you to transfer data from any platform to TMetric and quickly set up your workspace. You can select the type of data you wish to import. The available options are:
- Import Clients - use this option if you need to import clients from one system to TMetric.
- Import Projects - use this option when importing projects from one system to TMetric.
- Import Teams - use this option if you want to import teams from one system to TMetric.
The data is imported from CSV files. Use our CSV templates to quickly prepare your data for import. If you have your own CSV files, check the data format requirements here.
Import History
Here, you can see all previous import requests. The following details can be viewed under the import history:
- Data Type - what data was imported (clients, projects, teams).
- Requested - when the import request was made.
- Took - how long the import took.
- Member - who initiated (name and e-mail).
- Imported - number of rows imported/total number of rows.
- Failed - number of rows not imported.
- Status - the import status:
- In Progress - the process of importing data is currently underway.
- Completed - the import completed successfully.
- Failed - the import failed (if at least one record was not imported).
Here, you can set up timesheets for the workspace to ensure consistent time management and policy compliance. You can select the approval period for timesheets, the first day of the timesheet, and set reminders.
- Approval period - allows specifying a timeframe for timesheet approvals.
- First day of the timesheet - sets the first day of the timesheet when it is generated.
- Set automatic email reminder - enables timely reminders for everyone to submit their timesheets. Remind everyone to submit their timesheets - this option allows you to set up rules for sending reminder emails to submit timesheets for approval.
Get more details about how to configure timesheets in this article.
See Also
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