Integrate TMetric with 1000+ third-party web services via Zapier

Enable time tracking feature in nearly any web service using TMetric with Zapier integration


Time tracking in 1000+ web services

  • Simple integration, which will take a little time to configure
  • Timer button is integrated into each task/issue/ticket in every web service 
  • No need to stop timer before switching to another task/issue/ticket
Time tracking in 1000+ web services

Backlinks to any web service from TMetric

  • Each time entry contains a backlink to a web service task
  • Web service projects are mapped to TMetric projects
  • Web service labels are automatically assigned to time entries
Backlinks to any web service from TMetric

Powerful Time Reports

  • See the time of your team in one place
  • Group, sort, and filter reports
  • Export time reports and invoice your clients
Powerful Time Reports

How to Integrate TMetric with 1000+ web services via Zapier

This guide explains how to integrate TMetric with 1000+ third-party web services via the Zapier web automation service.


  • TMetric Account - Free or Paid
  • Zapier Account - Free or Paid

Both TMetric and Zapier accounts have free and paid plans – see the TMetric pricing page and Zapier pricing page for more info.

Sign up for a TMetric account

  1. Follow the TMetric sign up link.
  2. Fill in the form and create an account.

Or log into your existing TMetric account.

Sign up for a Zapier account

  1. Follow the Zapier sign up link.
  2. Fill in the form and create an account.

Or log into your existing Zapier account.

Available triggers and actions

TMetric provides the following triggers and actions for Zapier.


New Task triggers when a new task is added to a specified project.


Start Timer action starts the timer in a specified TMetric account.

Create Task action creates a task in a specified TMetric account.

Create Time Entry action creates a time entry in a specified TMetric account.

Configuring a Zap

Zap is an integration between two or more services, which runs automatically on the Zapier platform.

Configuring a Zap is a pretty straightforward process. On-screen instructions provide assistance. To get started, you can use one of the Zap templates. Using a template is typically quicker than hand-crafting your Zap from scratch.

Manual configuration

If needed, more detailed instructions for configuration steps are below.

From your Zapier Dashboard, create a new Zap by clicking the Make a Zap button.

Step 1: Set Trigger

  • Choose App: Choose a trigger app - for example, Google Calendar.
  • Choose Trigger: Select a trigger within the app - for example, Event Start.
  • Connect Account: Connect your account for the select trigger app.
  • Set Up Options: Set up options, if needed, and test the step.

Step 2: Set Action

  • Choose App: Choose an action app - for example, TMetric.
  • Choose Action: Select an action within the app - for example, Start Timer.
  • Connect Account: Connect your account for the select trigger app.
  • Set Up Template: Set up options, if needed, and test the step.

Note: actions and triggers for TMetric require choosing an account. What is an account you can learn from this topic.

Step 3: Finalize Your Zap 

  • Name Your Zap: Give your Zap a name. For example, Start TMetric timer when Google Calendar event starts.
  • Make it Live: Click the Make Zap Live button. 


If you are having problems with a Zap you have created, we recommend contacting Zapier Support.

They are the best people to help you with any issues that you have within the Zapier dashboard, Zap configuration and/or behavior.

Error Message: You forgot to stop the timer in your workspace...

If a task fails with an error message containing the above words, you need to fix the long-running timer.

Error Message: Tasks are available only in paid TMetric plans...

If you are using a TMetric workspace on the Free plan, you may get an error with the message containing the above words.

In this case, you need to upgrade your TMetric workspace.

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