Getting started with TMetric

This guide provides detailed instructions, tips, and best practices for maximizing the potential of TMetric. You'll discover how to efficiently track time, create projects, produce analytical reports, collaborate with teammates, and much more.

Chapter 9

Manage billable hours

What are billable hours?

Billable hours are the hours worked by an employee or a freelancer that are charged to a client. In short, this is time we work and are paid for.

Billable rates in TMetric

With TMetric, you may assign billable rates to a workspace, a particular project, a client, and workspace participants. These are the external rates to use when billing your clients.

To help you see project revenues and costs, TMetric employs billable rates to create billable amounts and costs that are shown in Projects Summary and Team Summary reports.

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How to set up a billable project

In the Billing section, you can choose a project's billing type, project currency, hourly rates, and project rate (if applicable) when you create or edit a project.

Step-by-step instruction

Creating payroll for employees

Members of your workspace can have their cost rates assigned in TMetric. These are the internal rates you use to pay your staff. 

In other words, the member cost rate is the expense to your company of hiring an employee or contractor.

Instructions on payroll

Using billable work types

Work type is a certain type of professional activity, for example, development, testing, etc. You have the possibility to set a billable rate for a work type or skip it if a work type is non-billable.

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