Getting started with TMetric

This guide provides detailed instructions, tips, and best practices for maximizing the potential of TMetric. You'll discover how to efficiently track time, create projects, produce analytical reports, collaborate with teammates, and much more.

Chapter 8

Simplify time off

What is a time off calendar?

The Time Off Calendar is a convenient tool for viewing and controlling staff and personal time off. You can quickly manage your coworkers' requests and check who is out of the office, as well as their missed workdays.

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Time off policies

A company's vacation, sick leave, and personal time off accrual and use rules are outlined in a time off policy. It regulates compensation and time off accumulation. Employers can lower the amount of unscheduled absences by using time off rules, and employees will know exactly how much time off they are entitled to.

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Time off balances report

The Time Off Balances report provides comprehensive information on each workplace member's balance. You can quickly determine how much vacation time each of them has available, as well as how much of it they've used and requested in a given time frame.

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Manage time off requests

A time off request should be approved or denied once it has been submitted, as well as it can be edited and deleted. You can also filter and group requests to easily manage the ones you need.

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How can I request time off?

  • Navigate to Time Off on the main menu, and then click Requests.
  • On the opened page, click the Request Time Off button.
  • Fill in all the required fields in the form.
  • Click Save. Once a time off request is submitted, an email notification is sent to an approver either to approve or deny it.

How time off affects payroll

A payroll is created based on the Team Summary report. 

Using the Time Off module will change the report data and affect its calculations. In this case, employees' payroll will depend not only on actual time worked but also on time off.

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